The grim assessment was the latest unwelcome surprise for the market since last month and further eroded hopes that the economy was starting to emerge from recession. Investors began driving stocks sharply higher in early March, encouraged by modest improvements in housing, manufacturing and even unemployment.In fact, the unemployment numbers have gotten worse every month that Obama has been president. Here's the chart that the AP story's writer apparently couldn't find. Funny, but I found it with only one google search.
Let me be completely clear: The AP article is a lie. And the author of the article is a lying liar. And anybody who republishes the article is furthering that lie.
And just to take away the last refuge of the lying liar, there has not been a slowdown in the change in the unemployment rate either. The unemployment numbers got worse by 5, 4, 4 and 5 tenths of one point on a month to month basis. There is no "second derivative of unemployment" that can save the lying liar.
The numbers for housing and capacity utilization tell the same story.
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